Sunday, March 27, 2011

There was a bloggy break. It might continue.

You may not have noticed, but I haven't blogged for 2 weeks. That's okay, really. I'm not going to feel badly about it. I have some really good reasons, and I might as well share them (in a quick list format, since I need a nap and my kids have miraculously all agreed to one, too), as they also serve to give a rundown on what has been going on around here. Ahem.

  • All last week (as in, not this past week, but the week before) I was in Virginia visiting my sister-in-law, Janie, her husband, and the divine Juniper, my new niece. I had such a great time! The Professor was on spring break, and he generously agreed to stay all week with the kids so that I could have a quick vacation to meet Juniper and help Janie. Janie didn't work me too hard, which is good, since I wear out so easily (still in the first trimester) and also since I caught a fabulous cold halfway through my trip.

  • You know when you're pregnant and you get any sort of illness and it's like your body stops functioning on any level that even suggests normality? You have, quite literally, no energy? You want to cry every 30 seconds? You go to your doctor and beg him to do everything, anything, in his power to make you feel well? And it turns out he really can't do much but sympathize with you, since you're pregnant? That's where I was this past week. I never did actually cry, but I came really close.

  • I generously shared my cold with all 3 of my children. My husband is now complaining of a sore throat. It has been a rough week.

  • My sons turned four (!!) on Tuesday the 22nd. I did not blog about this. I am trying not to feel guilty. On their actual birthday, the kids and I went to our children's museum and then ate the rare treat that is McDonald's. I think they were pretty satisfied.

  • We hosted The Professor's parents for a visit this weekend, as we held the boys' birthday party just yesterday, Saturday. My in-laws brought them lightsabers as a gift. My parents walked in, saw the lightsabers in action, and had to discreetly walk a couple of birthday packages back out to the car. I had contemplated lightsabers as gifts just the day before, but something, call it divine intervention, held me back. I think we might know our boys.

  • The Professor, knowing how awful I felt and how much work there was to be done to prepare for a party and houseguests, did all these things: dusted the furniture, cleaned the bathrooms, washed and folded multiple loads of laundry, vacuumed, and just generally filled in some very large housekeeping cracks. I love him.

  • I have a craft show coming up next weekend, and in between caring for children, cleaning my house, preparing for guests, preparing for a party, and trying not to fall into a pit and die, I have been sewing.

So! That's what we've been up to. I now feel almost 100% better (thanks to everyone who suggested a Neti Pot--I am now a believer), and my kids are on the mend, and my plants are starting to poke out of the ground, so maybe we'll all survive another day. And! My nausea is 100% gone and I can drink my morning coffee again. All in all, despite the bad things, the last couple weeks have been successful.

And let's be honest, saying that I have "3 kids 4 and under" is a relief. It's not so insane-sounding. Let's just ignore that, pretty soon, I'll have "4 kids 4 and under." For now, I might exert some measure of control.



Rachel C said...

You have been busy! Glad for an update.
Sorry we missed the party. Adleigh just didn't seem to be in a party mood when she woke up. I will drop the boys' presents by this week. I'm sure you guys had a fabulous time, and I had two disappointed children!

Tracy said...

I'm totally jealous that you can drink coffee again. I miss it, dearly. I'm on meds for my morning sickness and I *still* have trouble drinking it. *sniff*

Happy birthday to your boys!

Raechel said...

I love you and your cute family!

That's all.
