Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Good Life

Right now, this instant, I look like this:


You do not see the smudgy mirror, which I cleaned just yesterday. You do not see the bleach stain, which I famously gained not a day after my friend Kate passed on this lovely green maternity shirt to me.

I am 13 weeks pregnant and proud of it. The baby is healthy. I feel awesome. I can eat whatever I want (save peanut butter--it is now the most disgusting food in the entire world), and I can happily light candles in my own home. Today it is in the 70s, tomorrow will be in the 80s, and we get 6 new windows installed on Monday. I bought a new Sit-n-Stand stroller with my own COLD HARD CASH that I EARNED, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. (I am proud of this.) My kids are healthy. Allergies are, so far, staying at bay. My husband will be working at the Adler Planetarium this summer, a dream job toward which he has quietly been working for years. Say, since high school. It's a pretty big deal. Life is grand for us.

Sure, not everything is perfect, but overall, pretty great. Really, we are in a happy time, and I would like to take a moment to give Jesus all of the glory. Roll your eyes if you want, but I do not for a moment want to even entertain the notion that I am somehow responsible for the happiness that is our life. I mean, really. I can't clean the toilet without getting bleach stains on great shirts. How could I successfully run our lives?

The answer is, I couldn't because I'm pretty hopeless.

So I am going to embrace our happiness and join my family outside to plant some bulbs. I don't know how long I'll feel like gardening this summer--I fully expect to take on whale-like proportions sometime around mid-July--so gardening now seems like a good idea. I'll let you know if anything earth-shattering occurs. Hopefully not; we like low levels of drama around here.

ps: C has insisted, for about 2 weeks now, on being called "King Peter the Boy." (King Peter is in reference to Narnia, natch.) I mean, she is insistent, as only a determined 2-year-old can be. She will not answer to her Christian name, and she is constantly self-narrating her actions, as in, "'Oh, no!' said King Peter the Boy." It's equal parts hilarious and irritating.


Rachel C said...

Lots of fun things for you guys! How exciting for your hubby to get to work at Adler Planetarium!
I love my Sit-n-Stand. We got the double where you can take the back seat apart to make it a sit-n-stand. Worked well for us since Elijah was only two when Adleigh was born.
You have a perfect baby bump. Mine NEVER look like that.

Raechel said...

I love your belly!!! And, your hair is longer! Mmm, yay for a Christine blog post on a Sunday morning to make me put off getting out of bed to read about her funny babies. Love you!


Lauren said...

Blogger wouldn't allow paragraph breaks for me either! Regardless, I love reading about God's provision in your life. :)

Christine said...

Lauren, I saw that on your blog. I found a google thread where you could post your specific issues, and they said they had pegged the problem to IE (which I use.) I switched to the new editor, and it fixed the problem for me, even still using IE.