Monday, February 21, 2011

Toddlers and Star Wars

I know showing your kids Star Wars and then sitting back and letting the comments roll isn't a new thing. But dang, if it isn't funny. This weekend we watched The Empire Strikes Back for the first time as a family (I mean, The Professor and I weren't watching it for the first time. Oh, no. Probably more like 736th time each for us.) and we had so much fun just listening to our kids' reactions. And since this blog is all about posterity (at least it is for me), I'm going to record what I can remember from this important moment in time.

Toddler Reactions to The Empire Strikes Back

"Mister Luke's face is blooding. It is blooding because of the snow monster."

"What is that robot?" [Response: "A probe."] "WHOA, A PROBE."

"Look at those Imperialt Walkers!" ["No, Imperial Walkers."] "No, they are Imperialt Walkers. They tripped."

"That Imperialt Walker was making FIRE out of its BOTTOM."

"I can see Yoda! I can see Yoda walking!"

"Yoda is making soup."

"Who is the golden man?"

"Who is that man in the black suit?"

"R2 is so funny. He makes such funny noises."

"Where is Luke?" [said 235 times during scene changes]

"Their hands are dirty." [said during Han and Leia's first kiss]

"What was that bear's name?" [bear = Chewbacca]

"This is just like our Micro Machines!"

"That is the Cloud City!" [wipe a tear]

"What just happened to Han?" ["He is encased in carbonite."] "Whoa, carbonite."

"They are fighting! The blue and the red are fighting!"

"Mister Luke has a robot hand!" [Later: J wanders into the room with a box on his foot and proclaims, "Look at me! I have a robot foot just like Mister Luke has a robot hand!"]

That's all I can think of right now. I'll update as I remember more or as The Professor reminds me. As I said, it was truly a momentous thing for our family. Clearly seeing Star Wars has had a profound effect on our children, as evidenced by the boys choosing to play "light saber" with their battery-operated candles at church the next day instead of holding them obediently.

Did I really expect any less from my husband's sons?


AnniePMaki said...

love this post! thanks for sharing!

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness, this seriously is the best thing I've ever heard. I know this is exactly what it will be like for us when we have kids. I'm so glad to see the Star Wars love being passed on to the next generation! We miss you guys!

The Thornton Family said...

Just linked over to you from Rachel.

My 3yr old is becoming slightly obsessed w star wars. and we've just recently introduced him to cloven wars (or, as he calls it, colon wars). y'all should check it out - you can find a few episode on hulu i think.
