Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blue Clues

I know it's been a week since I dropped the bomb of ZOMG BEADBOARD, but seriously, we've been working our bottoms off getting this room looking goooood. Well, actually, my husband worked his teeny bottom off all last week getting this room looking goooood while I dragged my slightly-larger-than-his bottom (seriously, people, I have borne so many children, and it's true what they say, everything changes) around corralling children who so desperately wanted to interact with their paint-covered Daddy. Mainly because he was covered in paint.

My exhausted bottom and I are not ready to reveal the sunroom quite yet, as we (now I'm talking about my husband and me, not my bottom and me) are still moving around furniture, doing last-minute touch-up paint, varnishing an awesome bookshelf, and just generally getting the larger details taken care of. But! I know you might be on the edge of your collective seat (no really, I imagine that no one has gotten any work done this week, just waiting for an update from the Cases), panting for pictures, so I will offer you this one, measly clue:


It's a good clue, I think.

You'll get pictures of the whole thing by the end of this week, as we have houseguests arriving this weekend and want as much as possible finished before they get in. Suffice to say, this sunroom is already a zillion times better than it was before, and I checked with my husband who has advanced degrees in Everything Science and Math and he says that this is a measurable fact.

Also, since B has been crying from a broken heart every dadgum 10 minutes (about nothing in particular--he's just having a very sensitive day), I have been unable to squeeze in a shower yet, so I'm wallowing in my own filth and getting lots of niggling little jobs done. Sewing in the sunroom is even more a delight and a joy than before (I'd say about a zillion times more), and I've used several spare minutes to whip up a fun project, which is seen here, in progress:


Can you guess what it is? It shouldn't be that hard. My 2-year-old identified it in like 3 seconds and it was inside out and all splootchy still.

Things are often rather splootchy around here, after all. It's our natural state.

Happy Tuesday!


Raechel said...

It's a tree! It's a tree!!

Thank you for the clue. It made my week better.

Love and adbal,

janie said...

yes, a tree! i want to see it all, however. also, a shower? you're looking at some that hasn't had one since SUNDAY. ew, i know. but it's been a crazy week here with ryan in SPI and everything... anyway, looking forward to seeing the whole sun/sewing room!!

Christine said...

Janie: Ewwww!

No, really, I need one, mainly because I'm outside in the dirt, weeding and poking around with my kids, every dang day. We all troop in and make my nice white bathroom gray and dingy.