Monday, November 2, 2009

Have You Heard the One About the Doctor, the Knight, and the Pumpkin?

Stop me if you have.

Yes, that's Pumpkin Baby in the candy bowl.
She didn't even get any.

(Sorry these pictures are so blurry. Our kids were not feeling the pose-for-the-camera vibe.)

(And yes, I do realize that this is probably the last year I can throw together some sorry-looking, very homemade costumes for the boys and get away with it. Next year they'll definitely understand the point (if there is one) behind Halloween, and I'll have to man up and grit my teeth and pretend like I enjoy coming up with inventive, beautiful costumes. Sigh.)

(Also, this is probably the last year I can get away with not giving my kids any Halloween candy. Seriously, we made it through the sugar fest without one wrapper opened. They didn't even trick-or-treat; they only visited their grandma's house, where they got some cookies. I KNOW, I'm a terrible, un-American mother who's admittedly not a big fan of Halloween. So sue me.)

1 comment:

4cunninghams said...

I'm not a big fan of Halloween either. If I had my way we wouldn't do anything at all, but Nick and I view it differently so we compromise and go to his work and go to the church thing. No door to door trick or treating for us.