Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Up and Running!

I'm back and feelin' better than ever! Really, I mean it. The internet is back after a two-week hiatus, and the cold that has held such dominion over our little family is starting to loosen its grip. I don't think I have blown my nose in at least an hour, and that's saying a lot, believe me.

So it's been a busy two weeks, with intermittent postings from me when I could find the internet and the time to post. Our faculty retreat was great, though perhaps not as restful as possible. We did get the two-hour nap we were hoping for on Saturday and Stephen managed to skip out on the last session Sunday morning and get in another long nap, so maybe we got in as much sleep for which we should have reasonably hoped. (Who's reasonable with three kids under the age of 2??) I have finished the third book in the Twilight series and am now impatiently waiting for Candice to finish the fourth so I can devour (Haha! Vampire love saga, remember?) that one, too. Good thing I have the ONU Homecoming this weekend to distract me, or I might drive her to violence with my impatience.

What else? Jack's ear is perfectly fine and the scar is hardly noticeable. His biggest issue the last week has been a sinus infection that drove his normally easy-going disposition to the brink of despair. (Ditto on the sinus infection for Baylor. Last winter we had six ear infections each in a four month span, so while trying, this was nothing by comparison.) Baylor has been giving into temper tantrums lately and hits inanimate objects when he is mad. When he hits said inanimate objects (baby swing, coffee table, etc.) he always peers at me to see if I'll give him some attention, negative or otherwise. I am usually just ducking my head, trying to keep from laughing. My little babies are growing up so much, and I now suddenly find myself with two rambunctious toddlers who are wearing 18 month and 2T-sized clothing. Sigh, sigh, sigh. At least I have my little baby girl doll to dress up every day. At least she doesn't take advantage of Mom's distraction and get into the kitchen trash can to eat old coffee grounds and parade around with dirty diapers...

On that note, I will fill you in with pictures and a few words. Enjoy!

Baylor explores the playhouse that Grandpa and Daddy
saved from certain destruction.

Jack plans on using this windowsill to cool homemade pies.

New framed photos in the living room!
The boys love looking at themselves and the baby.

My Grammy, Lois Ring, came to visit with her sister last week.
She loves these boys and spoils them rotten.

Grammy and Baylor

Aunt Norma Jean and Charlotte, her great-great niece.

Charlotte and Daddy being silly with shapes.


laurie said...

Love the photos, Christine! Especially the one with Stephen and Charlotte with shapes on their heads.

I've been checking your blogsite about every hour yesterday and today hoping to see a post (and photos!)

Glad everyone is on the mend!


Kelsie said...

Christine- I'm glad you're feeling better!! I love reading your posts and feel like I know the kids even if I haven't officially met them. Tyson turned 2 in August and is talking a mile a minute. He's in big boy undies and is so fun to be around. Give those kiddies a big squeeze from the west coast fam!

l e a h said...

I love the photos above the sofa! Charlotte is a beautiful name...and a sweet little girl!