Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am writing from the lobby of the Lombard, Illinois Westin Hotel, where we are spending the weekend for Olivet's annual Faculty Retreat. It is a lovely tradition that has forced us to get away from 2/3 of the kids (Charlotte, of course, has to tag along this year) and concentrate on getting to know fellow faculty members and sleeping as much as possible. So far the "sleeping as much as possible" part isn't really working out--Miss Charlotte had us up until past 1 o'clock this morning (Steve walked on the treadmill in the fitness center with her harnessed to his chest in an attempt to lull her to sleep). She then woke up again at 4 AM and decided it was party time until she conked out an hour later. Imagine my frustration when I woke up at 6:30, a half hour before my alarm was set to go off, unable to sleep because of a coughing fit that was sure to wake up my dear, sleeping husband and fussy baby. We are understandably exhausted, so I will make this entry short so that I can join the other two Cases upstairs for a (hopefully) long afternoon nap.

This retreat was our saving grace, as it's been another challenging week. Remember last week, what with the colds and the stitches and all? Well, it was basically another repeat this week, sans the stitches. The colds have refused to relent, infecting all of us but Charlotte. The sickness situation became critical when the boys refused to sleep for two days in a row--no naps, no nighttime sleeping, nothing. Something was wrong, and that something turned out to be double sinus infections (creeping into an ear infection in Jack's case), which the doctor diagnosed yesterday, Friday, a few hours before we were set to leave for this retreat. We got them antibiotics ASAP and left them in my sister and brother-in-law's capable hands, practically skipping out of the house and peeling away from the curb. It's not that we don't love our boys, it's just that we don't love how they act when they are sick. Imagine a cranky, irritable, sick toddler, multiply it by two, add a colicky baby and two non-functioning, also-sick adults... and throw all that mix into a cold, rainy setting. Disaster ensues if not for the escape of a retreat. Believe me, despite our lack of sleep last night, we are so thankful for the break.

This is kind of depressing, no? Maybe if I get a nap this afternoon I will have a less bleak outlook. Also, if I get out this afternoon after a long and fruitful nap, perhaps I will have more to write about other than what happens at home! I should inform you, dear readers, that on Friday I successfully managed to get the three kids fed, cleaned, clothed, out of the door, to the doctor's office, and back home, all in one piece and with a fully stocked diaper bag. At the doctor's office I held off the tears (on the twins' parts) by distracting them with fun books, and the baby only started crying when we were a few blocks from home. There is a God, and He displays His grace and mercy to me daily.

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