Thursday, August 30, 2012

Awesome at Four

Happy Birthday, my darling King Peter the Boy. You are, unbelievably, four years old.


At four, you are:
  • enthusiastic
  • bossy
  • stubborn
  • affectionate
  • loud with a capital LOUD
  • generous
  • competitive
  • outgoing
  • giggly
  • sensitive
  • loving
  • still loud
And, above all else:
  • unicorn-crazed


You are my green-eyed, blonde-haired, pointy-chinned, long-legged sprite of a baby girl, and I laugh more at your antics and funny speeches than I do at anything else in the whole world.

I'll tell you a secret: I like your boss. I like your sass. I like your big voice, your competitiveness, your stubborn personality. All of these things, which others may be quick to frown upon, are in fact so unreservedly a part of youyouyou, you at your you-est, and honestly, there is nothing better than you. So we will hold these things--this sass, this voice, this bossiness--very, very close to our hearts and fine tune them and hone them and teach you to use them for Awesome.

Because baby girl? The Awesome is strong in you. It is just screaming to be let out.


I love you and your Awesome so much. Happy Birthday, darling. May the heavens part and shower down unicorns upon you.


Ta said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Toot! I can't imagine my life without you and your hugs, kisses, sweet skin, loudness, bossiness (hey, someone's got to tell me how and when to do things!). You are delicious! And you are loved!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday King Peter!!!!!