Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last Month's Trip to Ludington

I am seriously behind in posting, as the end of this summer has been taken up with multiple trips (Why is that? Why wasn't our traveling spread out neatly and intelligently?) and multiple cold viruses that just about knocked this poor lady out of the running forever. I'm finally feeling like maybe I'm functioning with at least 60% of my brain, which is really all can be expected from a big fat pregnant lady who runs a circus full-time, so I'm going to attempt to get some posts in this week filling you in on what we did. Where we went. Who we saw. Just how ill we were.

I mentioned two posts ago that we had visited the lovely Ludington, Michigan in mid-August and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves there. There isn't much more to say about the trip itself. We, along with my parents, beached it up, enjoyed a cabin in the woods, and marveled at the lack of humidity and the necessity of wearing jeans and sweatshirts at night. Ludington is an awesome town, and we had huge stretches of beach all to ourselves every day. Sure, we were sick. But what better place to be sick?

So. Pictures.


It was pretty great, you guys. You should come with us next year.

And now we're almost done with August. Even I can't keep up with the Cases. And I am RUNNING this freakshow.

1 comment:

Mrs. G said...

I adore Michigan vacations. It looks like yours was lovely.