Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Third Birthday, Boys

Once upon a time, there were two very tiny baby boys.

They came two months early, surprising and scaring their parents. (What set of barely four-pound babies wouldn't scare their parents?) But their parents very quickly adjusted to the strangeness of it all, even the strangeness of the hospital, and a family was born.

They took their time growing, and everyone got lots of little naps throughout the days. It took three months for either of them to bulk up to 8 pounds.

And then those little boys grew up. And now they are three.

Happy birthday, sweet J.

Happy birthday, B boy.

You are my first treasures, my little men, my still-cuddly little boys. You are both getting so big and brave and sure, and your separate personalities are becoming so prominent and clear.

But for a few minutes, I'm going to imagine I'm holding those two tiny babies, both at once, marveling at their perfection (and, truth be told, struggling to tell them apart.)

I love you, J. I love you, B. Happy birthday.

1 comment:

Cousin Kelsie said...

Happy Birthday, boys! Three is such a fun and exciting age. Enjoy every adventure you endure this next year! Love you!