Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to Stephen; Sorry You're Sick

I'm still here. I don't know how many of you have been worried at my lack of witty diatribe (ha!), so just in case, I assure you, I'm still around. Our trip to Salt Lake City, while very enjoyable and wonderful in every way, kind of knocked the wind out of our sails: as soon as we returned Stephen and I both got sick with bad colds, and the boys have been fighting bad allergies for several days now, too. We're all tired. We're all achy. We're all drained. As you can see, not prime blogging conditions.

Plus I have about 678 pictures from our trip to upload onto the camera, go through, and edit, and quite frankly just thinking about it all makes me want to take a good, long nap. I'm sure you understand.

For now we're trying to rest and gearing up for a low-key celebration tonight--it's Steve's birthday! It's a bummer that he has to be sick on his bad day, but he's being very good-humored about the whole situation.

I hope you are having a restful, fun weekend. Get an uninterrupted night's sleep for me, okay?

1 comment:

4cunninghams said...

Happy belated birthday to your hubby!

We've missed you at moms group!