Saturday, September 5, 2009


I had managed to forget that this weekend was Labor Day weekend, so imagine my surprise when, in neighborhoods barren of garage sales in many weeks, tons popped up overnight. I didn't have all the time in the world to peruse these sales, but I feel like I did a good job, nonetheless.

Get ready to see all the awesome new-used crap I crammed into my house this weekend!

$1.75: a whole bunch of Little People stuff

I really think that the farm train might be a Little People knock-off, but my kids don't care since, you see, the animals? They make their appropriate animal noises. My children fight over those silly animals. I drove around town after visiting this sale, and every time I'd hit a bump the cow would moo or the pig would give his piteous oink. Fun times.

What's even more fun? The fact that, months ago, I swore I'd never buy any more Little People stuff because we have so much from previous sales. Whoops.

Moving on.

$2.50: a whole bunch of nice clothes for my kids

The air is already chilly with the promise of autumn and then (as much as I might hate to admit it) winter, so I've been scrambling to assemble a fall wardrobe for my little brood this past week. I was particularly pleased to find four name-brand fuzzy, footed sleepers for Charlotte, which I had fully intended to buy full price in the stores. I also found her two darling Cherokee tops and a red sweater, plus a hooded sweatshirt for the boys.

Free: Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile hanging picture

Twice this weekend I got handed things for free at sales (the first time was when the lady selling the Little People threw in a couple for good measure), and my favorite free find was a fantastic picture of Lyle the Crocodile. He goes marvelously with our green-accented sunroom. Also we like using crocodiles who are chummy with cats in our decor.

And yes, my view of Lyle is slightly marred by the new tree limb. I've already taken a branch off with my head.

$1.00: outdoor hose reel (Not pictured--but I'm sure you have enough worldly experience and an active enough imagination to conjure up an image. Hint: It's tan! It keeps our hose in place!)

All right, now for my tuck-and-run finds. I have to say, it's a two-way tie. First up...

$15.00: Eddie Bauer highchair

We were in the market for another highchair to take to church. (If that sounds strange to you, please understand that our church has been a primarily ageing population for years and is now delighted to welcome a few new families with little, lively babies who love to crawl around during coffee hour and eat donut crumbs off the floor. Thus, the highchair.) While this highchair might be a little large for my taste (as in, if-I-were-the-gal-buying-it-brand-new taste), it's wooden, sturdy, and by far much fancier than the classic IKEA Antilop that Charlotte's been using. The tray has cup holders that slide in and out, folks! We are impressed.

Anyway, the gal was asking $30 for it (you can buy it new for over $100) and I waited until the final hours of the final day of her sale to offer her half of her asking price. She was happy to have it gone. And CharlItalicotte is happy to now have a throne worthy of her royal bottom.

(I just need to get on my soapbox for a moment. This lady was asking a large chunk of money, at least in garage sale terms, for a used highchair that she hadn't even bothered to clean off. Seriously, this thing was filthy. FILTHY. I had to take bleach to dried food, drink, and crayon, and even then running a toothpick through the cracks was the only thing that would get some of the worst stuff out. Question #1: Why would you try and sell something that dirty? Question #2: Oh my word, does this mean that you never bothered to clean your child's highchair ever and simply set it outside in its natural state? WHAT DOES THE INSIDE OF YOUR HOME LOOK LIKE??!!)

(Dismounting soapbox.)

And now for my final tuck-and-run...

$15.00: two 4 1/2 foot tall lighted Christmas trees, brand-new in packaging

I have been on the lookout for short fake Christmas trees for ages now, and just today I hit the jackpot with these pre-lit babies. But that picture doesn't look like much. Here, I took a picture of the side of the box, which even shows you the cute black urns they sit in:

Oh, wait, did you see that? In the upper right-hand corner of that label. Does that say $79.99? $80? For two Christmas trees that the seller admitted she had never used?

I rest my case. The case being, of course, that there are many stupid people out there, and that it is my job to use their stupidity to my advantage.

I hope you had great luck with the sales this weekend, too. I also hope you don't hate me for a) my wicked awesome finds, and/or b) my wicked witchy ways. Sorry. I'm tired and getting a cold and don't feel like shutting off the inner monologue.

PS: I'm going to post these finds over at Raechel's blog, where she runs a weekly garage-sale-finds carnival. Please visit and participate if you're able!

PPS: I feel compelled to tell you that I also helped my sister find a super sweet vintage bicycle (complete with headlight!) for $35, and I helped a friend find a beautiful crib and crib mattress for $10. I like spreading the buy-it-used love far and wide.


Raechel said...

This WAS a great day for you! Glad that labor day weekend is serving you so well!

The Lyle Lyle Crocodile is a happy treat. I'm particularly excited about the Christmas trees though - I want them to be mine! They're going to be so pretty this winter that it's almost worth decorating early!

Love to you and your little footed pajama brood!


Raechel said...

This WAS a great day for you! Glad that labor day weekend is serving you so well!

The Lyle Lyle Crocodile is a happy treat. I'm particularly excited about the Christmas trees though - I want them to be mine! They're going to be so pretty this winter that it's almost worth decorating early!

Love to you and your little footed pajama brood!


Raechel said...

Hm, not sure how that came up twice. But, wasn't it exciting when your inbox said you had three new comments? :)

Christine said...

You're right, Raechel! You just made my day with all your comments. :)

If it makes you feel any better, I'm jealous of the beautiful carriage lanterns you keep finding. I'm sick of the jelly jar lamps outside of our front door, but don't want to pay full price for new ones--and I can't find any used ones at sales!

Christine said...

And I'm just going to make yet another comment to set the record straight: the random, irritating formatting issues in this post are due to the fact that I composed this post on my husband's Dell as opposed to my customary Mac. I THINK THIS PROVES EVERYTHING.

4cunninghams said...

I suck at garage saling, but I think after church I'm going to go to the one becky emailed us about. While I love new clothes, I'm tired of buying new kids clothes and them getting ruined! Hopefully they'll still have some good ones.
Also, I think you said you'll be out of town that weekend, but just in case, there's a sale in a pretty new neighborhood September 18 and 19. I think some of us from moms group are going to meet up and go together.

Filly said...

I am SO jealous of the "Lyle, Lyle, the Crocodile" cut out. I have not thought of Lyle in a long time, so I had a nice little nostalgic moment just now. :]

I am also a big fan of the Little People toys. I had the barn set growing up (with the old school Little People, not the newly-redesigned-to-prevent-choking-hazards LP). The barn had a silo and doors that, when opened, made a "MOOOO" sound. My brother and I were *fascinated* by this feature. Open. Shut. Open. Shut. Open. Shut. "MOOOOOOO." Never. Got. Old. My poor mother... ;)

Christine said...

Filly, we had that barn, too!!

Rachel: We will be out of town that weekend, but Candice might be interested. Email me the neighborhood if you get a chance. The multiples club is having their semi-annual sale that weekend, too.

Gallo Pinto2 said...

I love little people and I love that the ones you got make noise!!! Very important in a child´s life!

seussgirl said...

Sigh, I think I need you to do my yard saling for me. :( Or else I need to live where you do. I set out with the sole goal of an exersaucer, a picnic table, and some clothes for #3. All I got was a handful of books, and some not-so-great-but-usable sleepers. :( My friend at least made out better; too bad girls clothes are so much easier to find in good shape!

Christine said...

Seussgirl: It comes down to doing it frequently. I don't find these kind of treasures every week. I go to lots of sales almost every weekend. It's hard work, which I why I always shout to the heavens when I find good stuff. :)

Good luck finding what you need!

Steve said...

Your post made no mention of our Sunday finds, which included the greatest find of all: the linear Latin/English edition of Cicero for a buck!

Charlene Austin said...

LOL....funny post! Great stuff but even better commentary on it.