Friday, July 3, 2009


Today we all went to a public farm that is located in the middle of our city, where there are mini horses, goats, chickens, ducks, and all manner of farm-type animals who are ready and willing to interact with agriculturally ignorant town kids. The boys especially enjoy feeding the goats and horses; in fact, Jack got so excited that he forgot to lay his hand flat while feeding a baby mini horse (a small horse, indeed) and his fingers got chomped.

Many exciting experiences today, folks.

I promise videos aren't my theme this week (have I ever done a theme?), but it just so happens that we've managed to catch a couple of cute moments with the camcorder lately, meaning that I, of course, feel compelled to share them with you. Before you view this short video, you should know that Baylor and Jack don't just say "horse" when they want to refer to one. That would be unoriginal and expected. Instead, they each make a whinnying sound that is just so accurate that it's scary. None of the rest of us can duplicate it--it's something they do in their throat, the method escapes us--and it is a noise that is so uniquely Jack and Baylor.

So here you have a video of Baylor asking for more horses, in his own special way.

Hope you enjoyed that! I can't promise I'll get around to posting the rest of this weekend, so I'll close by wishing you a Happy Fourth of July. If you're anything like me, you've become positively old-ladyish in your irritation at the kids two doors down who have been setting off fireworks at 11 p.m. for the last three nights.

Seriously. It's not the "Second of July" highlighted in American history. Maybe they know something about our country's origins that I don't.


Raechel said...

That was so cute we had to watch it twice. And I agree, Jack and Baylor, just plain saying "horse" would be quite unoriginal.

Laurie said...

We enjoyed this video so much, Christine! Had to show it off Friday night at Grandma and Grandpa Case's ... everyone laughed out loud!