Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"That's the largest yarn snarl I've ever seen IN MY LIFE."

Subject: "Oh. My. Word. Look at what your brother did."
To: Janie (my sister-in-law)
From: Me
Attached image: Yarn Snarl (see above)

I really think I might kill him. Seriously.

To be fair, he takes all the blame and feels terribly. 

What happened is this: I needed to wind this wool into a ball, and he agreed to help. He was holding the hank in his hands, and I was winding away, concentrating on my task and assuming he was watching his. Apparently this was not the case, because just a few minutes into the affair, the yarn slipped, the coil dropped, and we had a huge rat's nest of a mess on our hands. He worked on it for about an hour last night, and I've been working another 45 minutes this morning, with little progress.

I am so mad. It's ruining the wool.

He wants me to just cut the yarn and use what portion of the ball I have so that he can work on the snarl later, but I'm stubborn and don't want to. This is all I have! I don't want any wasted, since I tend to waste when I have to attach more yarn.

Okay, I'm done venting. I thought you'd appreciate this. In a couple days I'll be able to laugh about it. For now, I'm just MAD.


Email reply
Subject: "AHH! GASP! NOOOOO!"
To: Me
From: Janie

THAT'S AWFUL!  WHAT WAS HE THINKING?  He CANNOT treat yarn like that.
Use your knees next time and remember: boys CANNOT do two things at once.  Was he thinking or talking at the time?  He really should have been paying attention to the yarn. 
Where did you buy it from?  Most yarn stores will make it into a ball for free if you ask them to. 
What beautiful wool!  It will be alright; wool is the miracle fiber.  It will still knit up well, I'm sure it's not ruined. 
Of course, try not to cut it.  If he talks you into it once, he'll want to cut it more times during the unwinding process, probably. 
Also, that's the largest yarn snarl I've ever seen IN MY LIFE... Poor Christine!
So sorry.  Treat yourself to chocolate or a new purse. 
Love sister.

To: Janie
From: Me

I bought it off of a fellow knitter on Ravelry. You can find people who have extra stuff in their stash that they're willing to either trade or sell. A lot of people had used this particular wool (Aracuania Wool Chunky or something, I can't think of the name because the paper is in the middle of my ball) on this particular soaker pattern and gave it high marks for wear and washing and knitting. This is the beauty of Ravelry, you see. I love it.

Anyway, this gal had an extra skein and sold it to me for discounted, so I had to wind it myself. I will keep in mind what you said about asking stores to do it in the future. Also, using my knees is genius. I had read to use a chair or someone's hands, and since our chairs are rounded, I turned to my dear husband. He didn't mean to do it. It's just a terrible accident.

And I'm continuing to work on it. It's going slowly, and I'm sick to be wasting precious knitting time, but I'll get there. Thanks for the encouragement. And I already looked for chocolate, seriously, BUT THERE IS NONE IN THIS HOUSE.


Maybe a mocha at the coffee shop is in order later.

love you!

**I copied Stephen into the last reply. He's already gotten a death threat call from me today. Poor guy.**


Steve said...

Janie was right: I was thinking while you were unspooling . . . or spooling . . . or balling or whatever. I'm sorry. I'll never think again when you need my yarn-related help.

Gallo Pinto2 said...

Poor Steve! Unfortunately Steve, it doesn't sound like she's ever going to LET you help her again with yarn related tasks! (I can feel bad for Steve because I have never knit so I have no idea what Christine and Janie are feeling right now!)

Kate Fox said...

OH Christine! I'm a big knitter/crocheter myself. I've got a pretty big snarl on my hands. Only it was as if the snarl was already there because as I was knitting, suddenly the yarn would no longer come out. Finally I got one huge knot that came out from the center. I just grabbed a different skein and called it good.

P.S. I love Ravelry too.

Kate Fox said...

Oh and Kate Fox is my blog name, my real name is Rachel Seeley :-)

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