Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo Shoot

You'll have to be patient with me as far as birthday pictures are concerned. It became clear that I've been a tad negligent in the photo uploading department when I plugged in the camera and iPhoto asked me if I wanted to import all ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO images. Oops. Usually I only let it get to 10 or so before I clean off the memory card, so you all may have to make due with a few days of picture posts. 

While I gather the courage necessary to tackle the huge amount of shots Stephen took at the boys' birthday, I'll share with you the results of an attempted photo shoot I did with all three kids a couple days ago. Admittedly, it was all rather random and haphazard, so maybe Jack was just upset that I hadn't gotten the lighting and setting just right. He's a picky kid.

Oh, yeah, Charlotte, who sits up rather well on most occasions, refused to comply this particular afternoon, which kind of threw everything off. And the boys didn't want to hold her. They acted like she was something icky and gross. To be fair, sometimes she is something icky and gross.


You need to watch Charlotte and Baylor in the background of these next few.

C'est la vie. We'll try, try again.

1 comment:

MELISSA said...

I love this post. Thank you for making me feel so NOT alone when it comes to photographing my very young children, because this is pretty much how it goes any time I try to "plan" a photo. I've given up and resorted to sole spontaneity and sheer luck...for now.