Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Going Native...er, Unplugged

The Case Family has made a very important and monumental decision: as of sometime this morning (whenever the Comcast guy decides to show up), we will be completely without television. Not only are we cutting off the cable, we are going to move the TV down to the (unfinished) basement, where it will await final judgment.

This is a pretty drastic decision, I know. I would be the first person to say that we really don't watch that much television, at least in comparison to "most" people. But lately my convictions have been flaring up, and the Holy Spirit has drawn my attention to things I have let myself become desensitized to. Things like bad words, compromising situations, and lots and lots of sex. I was able to brush these things off for too long, tell myself that it didn't matter, I was above the influence of these things. But then my children began to be much, much more perceptive, and I found myself switching the channel too often when they were around. Even if I were just watching the morning news, invariably a commercial for another show on a cable network would appear, flaunting nudity, rudeness, and just general crass behavior. How was I to know what words and attitudes Baylor, Jack, and Charlotte would catch on to and choose to mimic?

What is a mother to do?

I made my proposal to Stephen late last week, and he jumped on the bandwagon. He has been gunning for this for a long time, but I admit I was the holdout. So we'll see just how we fare without our "Sesame Street," news, and evening comedies. And I'll see how I do without the internet for a few hours, as there is going to be a lapse between the cable shut-off and the AT&T hook-up.


Laurie said...

Very wise decision, dear daughter-in-law!


Gallo Pinto2 said...

Hey! I actually don't have a TV anymore! My high school students think that I am absolutely insane, but I didn't really watch much anyway and the few shows that I really do enjoy watching I can watch online so I opted for not paying for cable TV and internet. So I guess I'm not completely without TV b/c I do still watch a few shows online but I find it much healthier for me because the TV isn't on all the time just for background noise and I think I get more done! Good for you guys!

And just think of the money you'll save that you can put toward all those diapers!

Kelsie said...

Wow, you're a lot stronger than I am. I'm officially a sucker for tv!!

Rebecca Gray said...

You guys are awesome. I think that is a great decision.