Monday, September 15, 2008

Charlotte, at last!

Stephen took some nice shots of Charlotte over the weekend. I guess we have to content ourselves with a very sleepy baby for now. (I have to wake her up to feed her, something I never had to do with the boys!) I should insert here the good news from her two-week checkup today: Since she saw Dr. Oo, our pediatrician, 12 days ago, she has gained 12 ounces and is up to 8 lbs., 10 oz. So she has regained (and surpassed) her birth weight with much gusto. Actually, she screamed quite gustily during the entire exam because she decided she was hungry right then and there, and Dr. Oo said he was impressed with her lung capacity. That's my girl!

Awake and trying to focus.

Fighting sleep...

Oh, my.

My babies and me on Sunday morning.
I don't know why Baylor is raising his hand.
He probably had an important question.

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