Friday, August 8, 2008

Hmmm...a blog?

I got a wild hair to start up a blog as a way of keeping interested parties (mainly, grandparents) informed as to my family's goings-on. I don't know how good I'll be at posting regularly, especially since I tend to over-analyze everything I write if I know people are going to read it. (Did I use that adverb correctly? Which of the two recognized spellings should I choose? Where should I put this paragraph break?) I suppose I should also mention that Baby Charlotte's arrival, whenever that may be, might also put a damper on regular postings, and any posts that do appear after she comes may seem muddled, incoherent, and just basically sleep-deprived. To ensure that I really am serious about this, I may not share this blog's existence with anyone until I have a few strong posts up and running and am certain I am at least relatively happy with the layout. Sound fair? Good.

Side note: I just ran a spell check as a precaution, and it doesn't want to recognize the word "blog." Amusingly ironic, no?

1 comment:

Raechel said...

Ahhhh (happy sigh), it's nice to hear my sweet, slightly neurotic friend post her first blog post. It's just right that you're concerned with your mechanics... it's just right.